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Currently, the Foundation Cigarra maintains support networks with some universities, creating inter-institutional relationships such as: Universidad del Bosque, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Idiprom and the Dominican Sisters. Creating alliances and establishing agreements and projects that benefit both parties.

List of Universities

Universidad del Bosque

The pandemic brought with it a methodological transformation and the Foundation Cigarra is a promoter and promoter of this new knowledge for children and adolescents, where an English course was started. A space to strengthen previous knowledge in the area and other new learning that takes place Online on Mondays in the afternoon, in agreement with university students who are in their productive stage (practices) who support the process and provide their knowledge.

National Pedagogical University

The Pedagogical University is also present in the Foundation Cigarra, providing a space for observation of students of Physical Education, in areas such as: Recreation and sports, Dance and Theater. In order to subsequently socialize what was contemplated in the Logbook and thus for the next semester bring a clearer methodological proposal.

List of Institutions


The Cigarra Foundation continues to transcend and leave positive footprints in the community and in different institutions, which is why it is in solidarity with Idiprom and makes it participate in the Second Hand Clothes Shop project that offers a range of household products and clothing that are purchased at low cost, making a voluntary donation with a human and dignified sense.

Dominican Sisters

The Foundation Cigarra is increasingly committed to different institutions permeating in a positive and supportive way with the Dominican Sisters Community and it is for them that makes the donation of items and clothing that are in the Second Hand Clothes Shop and that are also of important use for them benefiting those in their community as well.

Other Agreements

The foundation Cigarra continues to create links and inter-institutional support networks for the benefit of children and adolescents. That is why we are opening a space for dialogue with the Catholic University, who are interested in offering us their help from the psychology department with students of this program and also with Andap (National Academy of Learning) who within their proposal is to provide help to the Foundation with their early childhood students and the pedagogical proposals they wish to share.

Dominican Sisters

The Foundation Cigarra is increasingly committed to different institutions permeating in a positive and supportive way with the Dominican Sisters Community and it is for them that makes the donation of items and clothing that are in the Second Hand Clothes Shop and that are also of important use for them benefiting those in their community as well.
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